As you’ve learned, your body temperature is really an internal clock that keeps us awake and sleeping at certain times.
It’s also extremely important to understand that the rise and drop of body temperature is a hint for our body to produce the feelings of being awake or being tired.
Whenever your temperature begins to fall, you will feel tired, lethargic, and drowsier. Whenever your body temperature rises, you will feel more energetic, alert, and be able to focus better.
Don’t mistake the fall of temperature at certain times during the day as the need to sleep. Your body temperature may rise and drop several times in the day as a response to the activities you’re doing at the time.
Whenever you put big physical demands on your body your body temperature will rise above the norm. As a response to any intensive physical activity, the body temperature drops for a while as soon as you stop the activity.
For example, if you work an 8 hour shift at a job that requires intense activity, one might feel totally drained and ready to fall asleep when you come home at around 4 PM. What you’ll actually find is that this feeling of tiredness is not a sincere desire to sleep, but rather a response from your body due to the drop of body temperature.
If you resist sleeping at this moment and provide a “wind-down” period for your body after this period, body temperature will return to a normal and you will feel alert again.
In the Powerful Sleep plan I would suggest that you nap for 10-45 minutes during your day to physically recharge yourself, it’s ideal to take this nap when you experience this body temperature drop as it will help you sleep. Always limit your naps to 45 minutes to avoid entering deep sleep.
After you wake up from your power nap it’s normal to feel lethargic or drowsy, this is because your melatonin levels are higher. Get as much high intensity light as possible the moment you wake up, and make sure to MOVE your body to get your btemperature up and running again.
If you currently live a very sedentary lifestyle, your body temperature will drop very often when you’re sitting around on your butt or watching TV, so if you feel tired during the day understand it’s not because you need more sleep. It’s because you need LESS SLEEP and MORE MOVEMENT!
Body Temperature Update..!
We already know that your body temperature works and ticks like an internal clock controlling our sleeping cycles. Body temperature also controls the metabolism, circulation and other involuntary activities our body undertakes.
Variation in body temperature also indicates and induces the feeling of being awake or being tired.
Reduction in body temperature induces the feeling of lethargy, tiredness and drowsiness. Conversely, a rise in body temperature induces the feeling of alertness, feeling of being energetic resulting in better concentration levels.
The rise and fall of temperature during the day should not be misinterpreted as the need to rest or sleep. This happens many a times during the day depending upon the body’s activity level at a given time.
When a human body is pushed for heavy physical activity, the temperature automatically rises and drops slowly once the activity is stopped. This reduction of temperature induces a feeling of tiredness or drowsiness.
When your body does intensive physical work during the day, you feel tired when you come back home and just want to sleep. This does not happen due to desire of sleep, but due to drop in temperature, and the reaction of your body due to the drop in temperature.
If you let this phase pass and wait till your temperature returns to normal, you will start feeling awake and alert again.
In order to recharge your physical energies, I would suggest, as a part of my Powerful Sleep Plan, to take a nap of 10 – 45 minutes during the day. This nap should be taken when you feel sleepy, that is when your body temperature has dropped as it will help in falling asleep. The nap should not be more than 45 minutes and should not enter deep sleep. Deep sleep will only induce further fall in body temperature.
When you wake from your Power Nap, you may feel drowsy and lethargic due to high melatonin levels. It is important to get your body back to normal temperature with the help of light physical movement and exposure to light.
It is understandable if you feel tired even when you lead a sedentary lifestyle. This does not mean you need more sleep, but means that you need more movement and less sleep. This happens due to frequent dropping of body temperature.

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