Skin Problems From Chafing

In nutrition, skin care by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


Chafing is mainly caused due to sweating and rubbing. It is also caused due to friction from body parts or friction from clothing. The problematic areas which deal with chafing are groin, underarms, nipples etc. This skin irritation causes lot of problems because of the rubbing and friction. Anyone can be affected by this disease. But people with weight problem are the ones who suffer the most. These rashes are very painful, sore and uncomfortable. If chafing continues troubling you for more than two days, it is high time, for you to see a doctor.

Self-Care Measures

Avoid wearing rough-cut and coarse clothes. Wear 100% cotton fabric rather than a synthetic blend of different materials, as it may cause problems for your skin.

Excess weight around inner thighs and arms causes friction leading to chafing. For this you need to loose some weight around the problematic areas.

If you sweat too much while working out, maybe you should work out in the evenings to provide a much cooler impact on your body.

Always wash your clothes before wearing to keep yourself at bay from chafing. Dry sweat and chemicals may be another reason for irritation.

Drink plenty of water as this would avoid dehydration and would allow you to hydrate in a better manner.

Wear loose-fitting clothes as it keeps the skin cool and dry.

Spend good enough money on the clothes to avoid such problems

Women can quite wearing panty hose and men can switch to boxers to keep your groin area free from friction.

Home Remedies for Chafing

To stay dry you can use talcum powder or cornstarch.

Home made lubricant can be made by mixing one cup each of A & D ointment and Vaseline. In that add one fourth cup each of vitamin E cream and aloe vera cream to have better consistency and good smell. This ointment works great on your skin and helps in healing and prevention of blister.

You can also apply petroleum jelly to the chafing prone areas to avoid rubbing and friction.

Calendula oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oil, well known for its healing properties. It is of great help to clear skin irritation due to chafing.

Zinc oxide is an inexpensive paste which treats chafing problem. To remove the zinc oxide you can apply olive oil or mineral oil to wipe it off.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.


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