Peeling Skin Issues

In Active Seniors, skin care by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


Mainly peeling skin is a short-term problem and one should avoid worrying too much about it. Many a times peeling skin is a symptom indicating other skin problems. Some of the common causes of skin peeling are

Heavy perspiration due to tight gloves or boots

Blisters that contain fluid between the two layers of skin. When the blister breaks it leaves the skin open to be peeled.

Rash – It is another reason for skin peeling

Dry skin – Dryness and intense cold weather makes the skin peel.

Sunburn – Sunburn is another common reason for skin peeling

Chemical irritation – A chemical reaction can easily trigger this problem.

Eczema – A chronic skin rash which causes skin inflammation that could lead to skin peeling

Psoriasis – It results in scaling and inflammation of the skin causing it to peel.

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) – These are blisters which cover the whole body. It is a rare disease, but another reason for skin peeling.

– Symptoms of Skin Peeling seen in

Erythroderma – It shows the symptoms of thickening and flaking of the skin.

Exfoliative dermatitis ñ It causes the skin to flake.

Hand eczema – The continuous problems of rashes and itches on the hands due to increasing use of harsh soaps and detergents.

Ichthyosis – A rare disease caused mainly due to dryness, the resulting roughness leads to scaly fish-like skin.

Kawasaki disease – Found mainly in infants and young children. It is characterized by rash and swelling of the hands.

Scarlet fever – Even though it causes strep throat problems, it also causes rashes over the upper body which spreads the entire body.

Vitamin A overdose shows symptoms of skin peeling.

Burns is another major cause of skin peeling.

Another cause is Peeling Skin Syndrome or Skin Peeling Syndrome. A rare genetic disorder that causes continuous skin peeling. It may also cause redness of the skin (erythema) and itching (pruritus). It has been divided into two categories- Non-inflammatory Type A and Inflammatory Type B category.

– Basic Measures to Prevent Peeling Skin

Avoid scratching the peeling skin as it can worsen the situation if you are suffering from diseases like eczema or psoriasis.

Instead of pulling the peeled skin, use scissors.

Moisturize your skin by using good moisturizing cream or lotion to soothe your skin.

Drink plenty of water and remain hydrated.

If you are out and about, use sunscreen at regular intervals.

Pat, dry your skin instead of rubbing.

Use mild soaps instead of strong and harsh soaps.

If you are having a hot bath, limit your time, as hot water drains the skin of its natural oils. Warms baths are milder and causes less damage to your skin.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.


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