Black Skin Care

In nutrition, skin care by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


Do you ever consider race as a factor in skin care? Well if not, then you should. The shade of your skin can play a part regarding what products suit you best. Take black skin care for example. Obviously black skin would require less protection from the sun than pale skin. Skin experts found this out long ago. Imagine what red heads go through each summer. Anyway, I found out back in high school that black skin care was not the same as for other races. My buddies who were black would always carry lotion around in their book bags. At first I thought this was utterly bizarre. I always felt that lotion was a girl thing. Then one day when my friend was smearing it on his arms, I asked him about it. He said they needed it so that their skin would not look ashy. Ah ha! Then it hit me. This made total sense.

When I think of black skin care, I tend to think more on the male side. This is what I’m used to and have been exposed to through friends. Probably the largest issue that comes to mind regarding black skin care in my opinion is shaving. I had no idea it was so tough for black men to grapple with the daily scruff. However, I soon learned otherwise. In the army I noticed that a couple of my closest friends had terrible razor bumps. I didn’t really know why this was. I hardly ever got razor bumps or ingrown hairs. And if I did, it would only be like one or two at the most. I soon discovered that black men have much curlier and courser whiskers than other races. Shaving can cause them to curl up beneath the skin’s surface and cause razor bumps. Then I looked online for solutions. I knew that one of my buddies needed one badly because this affliction was damaging his confidence. I came across a product called Tend Skin. This was supposed to remedy this dilemma in no time. I then passed it on to my friend as a gift. These days he has no more razor bumps.

It’s not that simple to find black skin care products in this “white society” we all share. Any fool can see that, regardless of their race. However, more and more are coming out now days. Check out the website, which caters to men specifically. They actually carry black skin care products that work well.

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