Drinking Water Scams Revealed

In Active Seniors, nutrition by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


Read this article before you consider paying for your drinking

Wouldn’t it be nice to stop poisoning ourselves with polluted or unhealthy drinking water? I, for one, felt that I would love to find a source of safe inexpensive drinking water. (Ideally, I’d love to turn on the tap, and out it would flow!)

Whether it’s curing cancer with magnets or herbal wonder-remedies or Vioxx, we’ve all seen the fantastic claims people make about their health products AND about how your whole life will be changed! I can tell you right now that 90% are frauds. You may even have fallen prey to some of these scams, selling you the latest fad. Me too. I’ve bought so many kinds of drinking
water, I can’t recall. (If a lie is repeated often enough, it becomes “the truth”).

Finally, after many disappointments I got FED UP. I decided to get to the bottom of this desire we all have to make sure that our most basic nutrient — water — will keep us healthy, not make us sick.

I checked out endless commercial websites and a number of university and government sites; and I was dismayed at what I repeatedly found:

–Outdated information or info repeated from other websites
–Wild and sensational claims
–No research
–No refunds, etc.

I already knew that we can’t trust our tap water because of the presence of up to 2000 contaminants.

Specifically, I found:

a) Bottled Water: a real mish-mash of quality, often no more than filtered tap water sold at outrageous mark-ups and at quite an environmental cost.

b) Reverse-osmosis and distilled water: completely ignored the medical evidence of the dangers in the ongoing drinking of water that is void of minerals, acid in nature and oxidizing.

I quickly realized that these products were either useless, overpriced or potentially harmful long-term. And the companies were smiling all the way to the bank.



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