Turning Negatives Into Positives – Why 3 Nos?

In Mindset by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

How Can 3 Negatives Possibly be Positive?

When life’s circumstances turn against us or other people tell us we will fail we have two choices. We can choose to believe that or we can use that as fuel for the fire of our own ambition. My personal experience with that choice has served me well. More than 30 years ago I was involved in a business relationship with someone who was highly qualified to be successful. He was a graduate of a top law school. Certainly intelligent and capable. His only problem was a lack of honesty and integrity. Once I realized those facts I determined to sever our relationship. That meant starting over with no money. The last statement he made to me was, “What are you going to do now? You have no education, no job skills, no future.” 3 nos.

Overcoming 3 Nos

All I had was a high school diploma, (no education), a work history comprised mostly of semi-skilled labor, (no job skills), and what could have been bleak prospects, (no future) had I made the choice to believe those 3 nos. I made the better choice. I have always been of the opinion and those who have known me for many years have heard this often, that the single most important character trait a person can have is: “Believe in Yourself.” When a person has that they are armed with great power. It’s been my good fortune to have that belief within me. I want to thank my parents for instilling that mindset into me from an early age. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself should you really expect anyone else to believe in you?

My Following 30 Year Ascent 

My real career in the business world began as a clerk. Over 30 years I have self-educated by reading countless books and articles. That and a lot of hard work and overtime allowed me to work my way up to a management position which I retired from at age 71. Over those years not a single day passed that I didn’t think of those 3 nos and how I would have the personal satisfaction of overcoming those obstacles.

A Good Friend Faced With The Same Challenge

We’ll call him Michael. In his early twenties, he decided to leave his hometown and move to Austin Texas. He determined that there would be opportunities for him to prosper. He decided to take his shot. He did not have any immediate prospects. His self-confidence armed him. As he prepared to leave his uncle said: “You don’t have any qualifications, you’ll fail, You’ll be crawling back home with your tail dragging.” 3 nos. What a horrible thing for an uncle to say to his nephew. That young man applied to work at the division of the company I managed. I interviewed and hired him. No surprise, he became a star. 

The Power of Self-Belief

At Michael’s wedding, I met that uncle who was still in his same dead-end job. I had the pleasure of telling him how his nephew had become a highly paid leader and would continue his ascent. He has. That’s the power of self-belief.

My Self Belief Has Led Me To Founding Sweating Seniors 

We have a strong team to provide guidance for health and fitness for seniors as well as for anyone who wants to live long enough to someday become a senior person.


Founder Jerry Rothouse age 72

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