Be a Man (Issues on male sex abuse)

In Mindset by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


No matter how we deny the fact, a growing number of the present male population admit to having been sexually abused in their respective workplace. Defying society’s preconceived notions of male chauvinism, with men as the aggressor, isn’t necessarily what happens in real life. No matter how strong their portrayal of male power is, they too need some protection from workplace abuse and sexual advances. A growing number of male employees are officially seeking for judicial protection and legal option as they openly profess their predicament ñ being sexual abused.

Male sexuality, because of society’s precepts, is often misconstrued. They think that all males are incapable of being abused just because they are the stronger sex. And it’s just but fine for men to be at the receiving end of dirty talk, suggestive actions and indecent proposal — both male or female proponents.

For its part, the World Health Organization(WHO) defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Male sexual health, to be properly observed, must be free from discrimination, violence and coercion. Now with this in mind, let us ask ourselves, is male sexual health being observed in an avenue of chronic sexual abuse?

However, according to a recent study, men do have second thoughts in filing a law suit against a female co-worker or supervisors.

There are a lot of male abuses that are being reported nowadays. With this, men are slowly opening up to the fact that they need not to conceal the harsh things that they experienced in the workplace. They are slowly being educated with what they need to know about healthy male sexuality.

Sexual health, as defined, requires an agreement and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences. Men do need to enjoy these acts of procreation. But how in the world would a man enjoy such things under harsh and uncomfortable circumstance? (Yes, men also can feel awkwardness.)

Observing male sexual health doesn’t necessarily only mean the ability to enjoy and engage in sexual activity. More than that, it is the idea of protecting one’s healthy sexuality within his utmost ability. The sad part is, some male, due to the preconceived notions of male abrasiveness, keep mum about the issue and continue to live their lives as if nothing nefarious has transpired.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Federal agency in charge of administrative and judicial enforcement of the federal civil rights laws, enjoins all male who have experienced sexual advances and abuse to file complaint following first the company’s protocol on such complaints. They also said that if the employer cannot ñ or will purposely not ñ act on the complaint, their agency is willing to help you in all means possible.

Men also have the right to seek justice for any sexual abuse that has been done to them. Being open about it doesn’t necessarily make you less of a man, but the idea vigilance further stress the mark of being a man. Keeping mum on the issue wouldn’t help at all. Being vocal about it, however, could call attention and would secure proper and immediate actions to be dished out to you.

Women can and do sexually harass men –

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