Bursitis An Unimaginable Joint Pain

In Active Seniors, body building, Joint Maintenance by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


It could be one of the worst pains you ever feel in your entire life. Many have to face this pain in an early stage of their lives due to excessive stress put on the joints. The inflammation of bursa is known as bursitis. In our body we have over 150 bursa sacs. These fluid-filled sacs keep the joints lubricated and cushioned between bones and the tendons and muscles near the joints. It makes movement of the joint smooth as butter, avoiding any kind of friction. Due to inflammation bursa cannot play the same part of cushioning and lubricating the joints. In this situation any kind of movement becomes very painful.

A routine activity prolonged over a period of time can result in this condition. When excessive and continuous pressure is applied over a certain area it can result in bursitis. Resting on one’s elbow for longer period or bending your elbow frequently can lead to elbow bursitis. Other causes of bursitis can be due to traumatic injury which can result in swelling and inflammation of the bursa. Some common signs and symptoms for bursitis is stiffness or a dull ache, increased pain due to movement or pressure, swelling and redness of skin due to inflammation. General inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis may result in bursitis. Common areas which get affected due to bursitis are shoulder, elbow, buttocks, hip, ankle and knee. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to locate the actual cause of bursitis.

There are different types of bursitis which can create problems in your lives such as Shoulder bursitis, Olecranon Bursitis (Elbow), Trochanteric (Hip) Bursitis, Prepatellar (Kneecap) Bursitis. Complications can happen if inflamed bursa gets infected. This can occur when the inflamed bursa is close to the skin that would be in the case of olecranon bursitis. You can detect an infection if your wounds are around the area of bursitis, accompanied with fever, chill and mild sweats. Diseases like gout, arthritis, staphylococcal infection, tuberculosis, although rarely can increase your chances of bursitis.

Home Remedies for Bursitis

Restrict your movement and allow your joints to heal. It may prove to be the best medicine.

A continuous application of hot and cold compression can do the trick, 10 minutes hot, 10 minutes cold and so on and so forth.

Ginger is one of the best known fighters for such kind of pain. It can be applied directly on the skin by making a poultice or can be taken orally to overcome the pain.

Emu oil is known to treat bursitis problem due to high level of linolenic acid – which eases muscle and joint paints. The oleic acid is anti-inflammatory which penetrates the skin to provide the necessary relief.

You can eat alfalfa capsules which consist of rich minerals much needed for recuperation of the bones.

Apply vitamin E oil over the joints to have easy and free movement. Consuming vitamin E capsule is also very beneficial.

Castor oil compression also works in your favor. Apply good amount of castor oil over the affected area and cover it with cotton and then apply heating compression with a heating pad.

Stretching exercises may also provide a positive change in your life.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.




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