Air Purifiers Role In Preventing Asthma Attacks

In Active Seniors, Heart Health by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


Environmental researchers have proved that the room air we breathe in is more contaminated than the air outside. In fact the air we breathe during our sleep, relaxation at home or office is more polluted and it is this polluted air that makes us fall sick easily.

The ultimate way to solve this problem is getting an air purifier. Air purifiers are helpful to people suffering from asthma and allergies due to pollen grains, mold spores, pet dander, microorganism and bacteria.

Ultra violet air purifier destroys chemical and biological contaminants like viruses, mold, allergens, cigarette smoke, bacteria, diesel fumes, pet odors, construction dust and many other airborne contaminants.

Asthma is a condition characterized by breathing difficulties caused by narrowing of the airways (bronchioles and bronchi) leading to the lungs.

Persons Affected:
It occurs in 3 to 5 percent of all people at some time in life. It affects all age groups except newborn babies and affects both the sexes equally.

The main symptoms are breathlessness, wheezing cough usually getting worse at night. In a severe attack, the breathing rate increases sharply and pulse rises. The person is not in a position to speak due to breathlessness. The skin may turn blue due to lack of oxygen, known as cyanosis.

The usual cause is bronchiole hypersensitivity to foreign substances in the air. The foreign substance could be pollens, air borne pollutants like vehicle emissions, animal fur, smoke, smog, cigarette smoke, ozone, perfumes, hairspray etc,. There is a worldwide increase in the number of asthma patients due to increase in the smoke levels in the cities.

Treatment & Role of Air Purifiers:
The day to day treatment involves management to avoid the trigger which triggers the asthma attack. A person spends most of his time indoors and presence of purified clean air can help a lot in preventing triggering of asthmatic reaction. A purifier works by removing environmental triggers like airborne allergens contaminants, smoke and smog.

A person cannot avoid exposure to polluted air but he can certainly control the environment in his dwelling or work place. Further an air purifier provides relief to the lungs of an asthmatic person by providing clean air so that he can breathe easily.

An air purifier works by cleaning the air indoors and prevent triggers like smoke, smog, pollen, exhaust fumes etc reaching inside the room.

Care should be taken to avoid air cleaners which produce ozone, which rather than reducing asthma may trigger an asthma attack.

Asthma relief air purifiers –

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