10 Ways To A Healthier and Better You

In Heart Health, Mindset by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


1. Lose Weight 2. Take More Exercise 3. Eat sensibly, with a well balanced diet. 4. Look after your heart and it will look after you. 5. Increase your energy by speeding up your metabolism. 6. Be kind to yourself. Make time for you. 7. Be positive. Your thoughts are what make you what you are. 8. Enjoy Family Life, join in games and go out as a family. 9. Improve your knowledge; you are never too old to learn. 10. Drink more water, there are no calories in water.

Lose Weight

Lose weight by going on a safe weight loss plan. Just by losing weight, you will feel better and healthier. You will look good and feel great. That should be your Mantra. ëI look good and I feel great.í

The main thing is to set your goals so that you lose weight, surely, safely and you will like what you see in the mirror. People will start complimenting you.

And you will be able to wear clothes you pushed to the back of your wardrobe, as they had shrunk. You might even find you have a brand new wardrobe.

Take More Exercise

If you are able, do more exercise to burn the calories. Walking is extremely good. Or put on a CD and dance to the music. Don’t put on fast music that you can’t keep up with. You don’t want to die of exhaustion.

Exercising will help you lose weight, increase your energy, and you will get the feel good feeling as your endorphins will come into play. Endorphins are your friends.

Eat Sensibly With A Well Balanced Diet

Eat a well balanced diet. Or if you do not eat as you should, use supplementation. Few people eat a well balanced diet. So by taking supplementation you will be getting all the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts that your body needs.

Look After Your Heart and It Will Look After You

Your heart is the one thing that keeps you alive. Look after it and it will look after you. If it is too late and your heart is giving you problems eg High Blood Pressure, you need to take Omega 3, 6 and 9. Capsules are readily available from your Health Food Shop.

And most importantly, if your GP has prescribed medication, keep on taking them regularly, no matter how well you feel.

Increase Your Energy

Increase your energy by eating foods that help speed up your metabolism. Using the Mediterranean Diet is ideal. It will also help you to lose weight.

The Mediterranean Diet means you will be eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones.

Be Kind To Yourself by Making Time For You

Pamper yourself every so often. Love your self.

Spend an evening manicuring your nails, use a mudpack.

Put on your favorite music, or watch a video. The point is to choose what you want to listen to or watch, not what someone else tells you to do.

Get someone to give you a massage. Aromatherapy can be very beneficial.

You may have to promise to give him or her a massage in return. But not on the same night as your pampering session.

Be Positive. Your Thoughts Are What Make You What You Are

Keep a positive mental attitude. Don’t let negative thoughts take over your mind. When this happens, think of something good instead.

Keep telling yourself you feel wonderful, even if you don’t. If you tell your subconscious mind something enough times, as it does not reason, it will believe it to be the truth.

Enjoy Family Life

Enjoy family time. Show your family that you love them. Play games with the kids.

It is said that a family that play together stay together.

And arrange things so that you can spend an evening alone with your partner.

Improve Your Knowledge

Never stop learning. Be like a child, keep asking why. Curiosity does not kill the cat; it just makes it cleverer.

Drink More Water

Drink enough water to flush the toxins out of your body. Also not drinking enough water can cause you to be constipated.


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