5 Components of Physical Fitness

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5 COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS Physical fitness is the ability to function effectively throughout your workday, perform your usual other activities and still have enough energy left over to handle any extra stresses or emergencies which may arise. The components of physical fitness are: * Cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance – the efficiency with which the body delivers oxygen and nutrients needed …

5 Best Ways To Lose Weight

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5 BEST WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT When you are dealing with a phenomenon as diverse as human beings, it is very difficult to create rules which will work equally well for everyone. Nevertheless, there are some characteristics shared by all human beings, and this means that some basic principles can be developed. Here are five proven techniques to help you …

Raw food, less water

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RAW FOOD, LESS WATER When you start eating more raw foods, you may find you’re not as thirsty or don’t need as much water or other beverages as you normally do. There are several reasons for this. First of all, raw foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables have a higher volume of water in them, so your body is …

Getting Your Nutrition from Real Food is a Good Habit for Life

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GETTING YOUR NUTRITION FROM REAL FOOD IS A GOOD HABIT FOR LIFE Many people think popping a multi-vitamin supplement to get their nutrients is just as good as what comes from real foods. They don’t realize that it is far better to get vitamins and minerals from natural foods and juices. Our bodies utilize the vitamins and minerals from real …

3 of the Top Struggles to Stop Smoking

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3 OF THE TOP STRUGGLES TO STOP SMOKING Most people can readily agree that the idea to quit smoking is rather terrifying. Giving up the comfort that smoking can provide is not easy, nor can it be done instantly. Struggling to quit requires a lot of honest talks, not only with yourself but also with your family. There are three …

Color Your Way to Daily Health

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COLOR YOUR WAY TO DAILY HEALTH It’s important that we eat plenty of different fruits and vegetables every day. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low …

3 Ways Your Health Insurance Company Is Scamming You

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3 WAYS YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY IS SCAMMING YOU The growing number of consumers taking up health insurance plans has led to the mushrooming of scam health insurance providers. These providers often target new retirees and the elderly individuals and small-business owners, who can’t negotiate better rates with legitimate insurers. Be very cautious before you invest in any health policy. …

3 Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

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3 TOP ACNE SKIN CARE TIPS FOR A HEALTHIER SKIN When dealing with acne skin care, most of the medical professionals commonly suggest that people affected with acne must practice certain acne skin care methods that will help improve the condition of their skin. Acne, as you may already know, is a very severe skin disorder that affects thousands of …

4 Steps To Relieve Back Pain

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4 STEPS TO RELIEVE BACK PAIN Michael J. Homan is a Reiki Master and studies natural healthing methods such as Acupressure, Electro-Acupuncture, Reflexology, Crystal Therapy, Chinese Magnetic Cupping, has his own e-Book called 4 Steps To A Pain-FREE Back!, and has a health related web site devoted to health issues and natural healing techniques. I have studied and taken courses …

4 Steps To Better Health

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4 STEPS TO BETTER HEALTH It’s possible to learn HOW to better your health in only 4 steps and this article will show you how. Each step is a bite-sized nugget of healthy living information you can actually use. Let’s get started… Step 1: Nutritional Supplements In my opinion, they are very necessary and very beneficial- especially when combined with …