Compare Pet Health Insurance in the USA

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COMPARE PET HEALTH INSURANCE IN THE USA In Europe over twenty-five percent of all pet owners carry a pet health insurance policy on their pets. Approximately half of Sweden’s pet owners carry insurance. A recent poll of pet owners in the United States predicted that only three percent had purchased a pet health care plan. Many veterinarians feel that three …

Common Health Problems FOR DOGS

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COMMON HEALTH PROBLEMS FOR DOGS There are many common health problems that your dogs will experience from time to time. Most of these ailments are nothing serious, providing you know how they should be treated and prevented. Below, we will take a look at the most common ailments, and tell you how to prevent your Golden from getting them. Distemper …

5 Basic Facts About Health Insurance Policies

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5 BASIC FACTS ABOUT HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES . DOES YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN COVER YOU ON AND OFF THE JOB? Many health insurance plans have specific exclusions that eliminate your benefits for anything that could have been covered under Workers Compensation or similar laws. Now read that last sentence again. COULD HAVE BEEN COVERED!? That is correct. Most self employed …

Baby Boomer Couples Cutting Health Care Costs

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BABY BOOMER COUPLES CUTTING HEALTH CARE COSTS Baby boomer couples cutting health care costs by pooling resources to reduce the cost of long term care premiums. Instead of buying for one, advisers and analysts say you can sometimes slash premium costs by approaching long term care insurance as a couple. For those willing to shop around the following three strategies …

A guide on sexual health and aging

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A GUIDE ON SEXUAL HEALTH AND AGING In most movies and television shows, scenes that are sexual in nature often show young and smooth-skinned people getting it on. But age is not a reason to let your sex life slide. Intimacy with your partner is an essential part of any relationship whether you are in your 20s or 50s. Aside …

Muscle Building Rules For Skinny Guys And Gals! (Part 2)

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MUSCLE BUILDING RULES FOR SKINNY GUYS AND GALS! (PART 2) — In part 1, I touched on general weight gain 3 rules and reasons why you can’t gain weight. Now it’s time to get into workout specifics… WORKOUT RULES 4. Stop listening to every ridiculous piece of advice you hear in the gym or read on a message board. Recently …

5 Great Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Using 1 Great Fruit

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5 GREAT WAYS TO LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE USING 1 GREAT FRUIT Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed …

5 Basic Facts About Health Insurance Policies In A Bad Economy

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5 BASIC FACTS ABOUT HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES IN A BAD ECONOMY 1. DOES YOUR PLAN COVER YOU ON AND OFF THE JOB? Many health insurance plans have specific exclusions that eliminate your benefits for anything that could have been covered under Workers Compensation or similar laws. Now read that last sentence again. COULD HAVE BEEN COVERED!? That is correct. Most …

5 Crucial Steps to Buying Wholesale Nutritional Supplements

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5 CRUCIAL STEPS TO BUYING WHOLESALE NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS Whether you own a pharmacy, health store, grocery store, or even if you are a healthcare professional, getting quality nutritional supplements from a dependable wholesaler is not always easy. There are many companies that make big claims for their products while their consumers waste money on supplements that don’t work. That’s why …

Using Organic Pest Control to get rid of roaches and Mites

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USING ORGANIC PEST CONTROL TO GET RID OF ROACHES AND MITES Itís safe to say that most of us would like to believe weíre living in our homes alone and without the specter of critters like cockroaches or dust mites. Unfortunately, that is almost never the case. Even so, no one wants to be putting toxic chemicals all over the …