SUPER SOLUTIONS FOR CROHN’S PATIENTS When the small intestine is inflamed — as it often is with Crohn’s disease — the intestine becomes less able to fully digest and absorb the nutrients from food. Such nutrients, as well as unabsorbed bile salts, can escape into the large intestine to varying degrees, depending on how extensively the small intestine has been …
Cranberries- The Superfood to Stave Off Bladder Infections
CRANBERRIES- THE SUPERFOOD TO STAVE OFF BLADDER INFECTIONS Cranberries may help to fight off urinary tract infections (UTIs). They reduce the power of certain E. coli bacteria to adhere to and penetrate the walls of the bladder. In about half the cases of UTIs, the E. coli responsible have special little hairy tips called P fimbria. The bacteria use their …
Superfoods for Erectile Dysfunction
^^SUPERFOODS FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION ^^ There are many underlying physical and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction. Reduced blood flows to the penis and nerve damage are two of the most common physical causes. Underlying conditions associated with erectile dysfunction include vascular disease, diabetes, drugs, hormone disorders, neurological disorders, pelvic trauma, surgery, radiation therapy, a venous leak or psychological conditions. A …
Dehydrate fruits
DEHYDRATE FRUITS One of the problems facing anyone trying to eat healthier, especially for someone trying to move towards eating more raw foods is the convenience factor. Raw and natural foods are so much healthier for you, but it’s not as if there are drive-through raw foods restaurants on every street corner in the country. And of course, there’s no …
10 Diet Rules You Can Break
10 DIET RULES YOU CAN BREAK There are actually diet rules out there that are meant to be broken? Yes, recently many dated diet guidelines and myths are up for speculation. You’ve probably heard all these silly rules before, but experts weigh-in on the worthiness of these supposed truisms – most of which won’t help you lose weight or make …
Superfoods that Help Heartburn
SUPERFOODS THAT HELP HEARTBURN Heartburn and indigestion make millions of people miserable. Continuous digestive problems can be a symptom of overeating, bad food choices or something more serious. Thankfully simple changes in the foods you eat can provide relief. A number of foods can trigger heartburn or indigestion by relaxing the band of muscles at the end of your esophagus …
Superfoods that battle the herpes virus
SUPERFOODS THAT BATTLE THE HERPES VIRUS Herpes outbreaks can be embarrassing, not to mention uncomfortable and painful. And sometimes, prescription medication doesn’t fend off the flare ups. But with some consideration and creativity, we can add superfoods to our diet that will help our body fight off the herpes virus. Cranberries may help to fight infection by the herpes virus, …
Superfoods for healthy and natural conception
SUPERFOODS FOR HEALTHY AND NATURAL CONCEPTION In both the female and male body, the balance of hormones has to be just right for conception to occur and for pregnancy to proceed. Nutrients that are in excess or that are in depletion can throw off balance and disrupt the pregnancy process. When we can choose whole foods for our diet, we …
?What makes organic make up better?
?WHAT MAKES ORGANIC MAKE UP BETTER? Most organic make up producers take special pride in providing you with organically-based cosmetics produced using the highest possible standards. Cosmetics and skin care products labeled ìorganicî must pass certain certification standards. Users of organic make up believe they are getting a healthier and higher quality product. Makers of high quality organic cosmetics require …
four types of tea: how each one is made
FOUR TYPES OF TEA: HOW EACH ONE IS MADE Tea is one of the most popular after food drinks in the world, but still very few people are aware that there are four inherently different flavors and types of tea one can find in every supermarket. Each tea is made out of different ingredients and each tea has its …