With so many tips and suggestions on how to stop smoking it is really easy to see why so many people really do not quit. The vast majority of people are completely confused by the entire process! What of the conflicting messages passed around? The fact is that with so much information passed around that is confusing to people it …
Fight The Flu With These Super Foods
Fight the flu because breakouts of the flu are responsible for millions of lost hours at both work and home each year, not to mention many miserable days trying to recover. If you’re wondering what you can do to naturally boost your immunity and prepare your body’s defenses, study the foods you’re eating, look at your family’s meals, and make …
Children Need Weight Loss Role Models
Here is a sure-fire list of diet dos and don’ts your children need to triumph over obesity: 1. Children need a healthy role model. The number one thing that parents can do is to be a good role model for their children, Parents so often unknowingly set their kids up for failure. If there are chips, cookies and Twinkies and …
Solve Problems and Boost Your Creativity
So, you want to solve problems and complete projects that have you stumped? Or you are not quite satisfied with some of your solutions? Try these ideas: 1.Gather Information: you might not have enough information about your project/problem to come up with a great creative solution to solve problems. Exercise: Go to a source of information you don’t typically use. …