Alcoholic Drinks and Health Issues

In Active Seniors, Heart Health by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND HEALTH ISSUES Alcohol is an important component of many element of several societies for many years. Many believe that alcoholic drinks have flourished gatherings, parties, and other social celebrations. A number of individuals believe that alcoholic drinks should be served in social gatherings to give enthusiasm to certain events. Alcohol is produced when vegetables, fruits, or grains …

Alcohol And Health Effects Of Alcohol On The Body

In Active Seniors, Heart Health by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

ALCOHOL AND HEALTH EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE BODY Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body can be short term or long term effects. The consumption of alcohol and health related problems can occur over a short time frame, while other conditions and long term effects of alcohol on the body may only happen following years of alcohol …

Alcohol And Drug Abuse In Mental Health

In Active Seniors, Mindset, Youthful Brain by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE IN MENTAL HEALTH Alcohol abuse is overrated, while drug abuse is underrated. The DSM manual suggests that substance abuse there are differences in the definition of drug and alcohol use. To confuse matters worse the law has its own version of who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Some of the symptoms that help professionals determine …

Air-Bath and Good Health

In Active Seniors by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

AIR-BATH AND GOOD HEALTH Air is of prime importance for life. One may live for a few days without food or perhaps even without water. But it is impossible to survive even for a minute or two without air. Oxygen is essential for the process of combustion taking place in all the various cells of the body. We obtain this …

Air Purifiers Aid In A Healthy Lifestyle

In Active Seniors, Heart Health by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

AIR PURIFIERS AID IN A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Whether you are healthy, sick, young, or old, everyone can benefit from  air purifiers. Allergies, asthma, respiratory problems, and the spread of viruses and illnesses can all be related to indoor pollution. Investing in a good quality air purifier can protect you and your family by greatly reducing your risk of sickness related …

Air Purifiers Role In Preventing Asthma Attacks

In Active Seniors, Heart Health by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

AIR PURIFIERS ROLE IN PREVENTING ASTHMA ATTACKS Environmental researchers have proved that the room air we breathe in is more contaminated than the air outside. In fact the air we breathe during our sleep, relaxation at home or office is more polluted and it is this polluted air that makes us fall sick easily. The ultimate way to solve this …

Aging Baby Boomers, All about Your Life

In Active Seniors by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

AGING BABY BOOMERS, ALL ABOUT YOUR LIFE First of all, baby boomers are people who were born within the post World War II era and before the Vietnam War. These people are called baby boomers because of the increased birth rate during this period. In the United States, there are about 76 million in total baby boomer population. Even George …

Aging Baby Boomers Create Jobs in Health Care

In Active Seniors by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

AGING BABY BOOMERS CREATE JOBS IN HEALTH CARE Over 75 million Americans comprise the baby boomers generation, and many have reached an age where health care is starting to become a major concern. Baby boomers are generally recognized as the generation born between 1946 and 1964, although many who were born a few years before or after associate themselves with …