AN AFRICAN BUSH DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION FOR BETTER HEALTH Bush Medicine is traditional herbal medicine- the oldest system of healing in the world. Bush medicine started in Africa about 30,000 years ago. In the African-Caribbean culture plants are referred to as Bush such as fever bush or toothache bush and are revered for their healing and spiritual propertiesî. Every culture in …
An Effective Golf Swing Exercise
AN EFFECTIVE GOLF SWING EXERCISE There are many types of effective golf swing exercises. Golf swing exercise is very important because the golf swing is at the very heart of the golf game. It is actually impossible to play a good game of golf without being able to execute an effective golf swing. The other reason why golf swing exercise …
An Effective Exercise Routine for Beginners
AN EFFECTIVE EXERCISE ROUTINE FOR BEGINNERS Let’s start with this very important rule: NEVER OVERDO THE FIRST FEW SESSIONS. Many beginners to exercising fall for this trap, especially when they do not have qualified trainers with them. They get overly excited and lose patience. They try to produce in two weeks what often takes years to accomplish. They begin by …
Allergy Relief A Lease On Life
ALLERGY RELIEF A LEASE ON LIFE Allergies despite not being diseases can severely affect your health for weeks. As allergy is defined as hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms vary greatly in intensity with types of allergies. Before we get on with exploring available allergy relief, it becomes important to know the types of allergies that commonly affect us. …
Allergies Part 2
ALLERGIES PART 2 Allergies – a massive subject and one which affects more than 55 million Americans. Apart from the North Americans, allergies also affect a large number of the rest of the world’s population – close to 40 per cent, in fact, will, at one time, or another, suffer the annoying and sometimes debilitating results of this ailment. Apart …
Allergies Causes & Treatments
ALLERGIES CAUSES & TREATMENTS There are many causes of allergies. Some people are allergic to foods such as nuts, chocolate, and shellfish, some to medicines. Some suffer from allergies to animal dander such as cats, some from seasonal allergies such as pollen in the springtime or ragweed in the late summer and fall. Some allergies bring on contact dermatitis in …
All About Tooth Decay
ALL ABOUT TOOTH DECAY In order for tooth decay to be developed in a tooth, that tooth must have acid producing bacteria around it, along with food for the bacteria to feed upon. Teeth that are susceptible to decay will have little to no fluoride in the enamel to fight the plaque. Fluoride can destroy decay, although it won’t be …
Adjustable Bed : For Ideal Position While Sleeping Or Sitting
ADJUSTABLE BED : FOR IDEAL POSITION WHILE SLEEPING OR SITTING An ideal position while sleeping or sitting is one where your body muscles are not under tension resulting in complete relaxation. This position can be achieved where the legs and the upper back are slightly on a raised level which distributes the body weight in harmony with gravity. It is …
adjustable air home mattress system – It’s not just about your sleep
ADJUSTABLE AIR HOME MATTRESS SYSTEM – IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT YOUR SLEEP Recently, I sold a very high quality adjustable air home mattress system to a new friendly neighbor of mine (Dr. Kwan) who just moved in and also agreed to let me use his name for this article about adjustable air home mattress system. Dr. Kwan is a respectable …
Addressing the undressing
ADDRESSING THE UNDRESSING: SHEDDING THE LIGHT ON THE SHEDDING OF CLOTHES. The benefits of massage are endless. Relaxation and rejuvenation are valuable tools involved in combatting increasing stress levels. We know this. Relieving tight muscles is an effective and holistic approach to decreasing pain and discomfort acquired by everyone on a daily basis. We know this too. Then why is …