Seniors Starting a Fitness Plan

In Active Seniors by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment

Seniors  Starting a Fitness Plan


Seniors Starting a fitness plan is your decision to get healthy and fit

You are never too old for starting a fitness plan. Many of us in the Boomer generation have worked hard to make a good life for our families. Having done so has required our time and dedication. Have you neglected to maintain your health and fitness? Your children are grown and it’s your turn to prioritize you.

How to Begin

Your new beginning happens in your mind. You make the decision that you will improve your health and fitness. You will not let anything stand in your way. You will overcome all obstacles. Starting slow is fine. What’s most important is to stick with it. You have already made a major achievement by reaching your senior years. We all know those who departed from life too early. Let’s focus on living longer.

The Secret to Healthy Aging From WEB MD

Consistency is the Key to Your Success

Before you have breakfast start your day with physical movement. Go for a walk and breathe as deeply as you can. Your body is still in shutdown mode first thing in the morning and this will wake it up. Only 10 minutes of fast paced walking and you’ll be fully awake. Your fitness level determines the rest of your morning routine. In this short video, I demonstrate my morning routine. If you can walk you can do this. 

Use Fear as a Motivator

As we age we are at risk for many illnesses but that does not mean we must succumb. Your physical fitness makes your body healthier, stronger and more able to resist illness and disease. I’m afraid of getting sick and losing physical and mental capacity. Are you? Use that fear for your benefit when you don’t feel like exercising. It’s easy to give in but it takes your real internal human self to fight. Here’s proof from the  National Institute of Health 

Women Can Lead the Way – Men, Don’t be Left Behind

Seniors Starting a Fitness Plan With Sweating

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