Baby Boomer Statistics on Birth, Retirement and Empty Nesting

In Active Seniors, Heart Health, Joint Maintenance, nutrition by Jerry RothouseLeave a Comment


The baby boomer generation plays a significant part in almost every aspect of today’s America. They made an impact to every age cluster they get to belong. Baby boomers have the diverse potentials that uplifted their group in history.

Fast statistics show that the fifty plus age group of baby boomers are earning roughly two trillion dollars, in control of more than seven trillion dollars of wealth and own 77% of financial assets in United States. That is not all, baby boomers also grip 50% of the discretionary powers in both government and private organizations.

Baby boomers are interesting subjects to tackle-their power to do, their immense abilities and their emotions. And since the baby boomer generation is now ranging at the age of 42 to 60 years old, they are facing the issues of retirement. It is fascinating to discover how baby boomers envision their old age, their retirement plans and the thought of being empty nesters.

Empty nesting is the period in parents’ lives when their children start moving out to live their own lives. Sadly, aging parents are left by themselves, reviving the scenarios when they were just starting out a family as well. The difference is that they have consumed the energy and youth they used to be abundant of. While the baby boomers have a range of emotions toward empty nesting, they are most likely to play the brand name for them-the independent generation.

Furthermore in the poll conducted for baby boomers, the following are some key points which were uncovered:

Considering the statistics of birth of baby boomers, the name of their generation was derived from the explosion of birth right after the World War II. At the span of the baby boomer years, roughly seventy-six million Americans were delivered to the earth. Currently, the population of baby boomers occupies twenty-eight percent of the whole populace in United States.

Specifically by the year 1957, an estimated 4.3 million of babies were born in America. The number has out stood any other year before it.

On the issue of retirement, baby boomers view this stage on its brighter side. Accordingly, most of the baby boomers plan to pursue a career after their previous career. Being involved in sole proprietorship or any self employed business is the popular choice. Seventy-five percent envision their retirement as the chance to devote leisure time with their children and grandchildren. This will result to more domesticated adults. However, of this poll, seventy-four percent feel freer upon retirement while fifty-seven percent claimed that they will only be freer when they become empty nesters.

More than half of the baby boomers are confident that they will have enough money for leisure when they already retire. This means that less than half of them are not certain if they will live a comfortable life after retirement. These statistics greatly affects the issue on the empty nesting emotions.

When questioned about parenting, 71% of the baby boomers responded positively. For these baby boomers, parenting was a challenging task that marked many wonderful experiences for them. That is why when the empty nesting stage comes, baby boomers are more emotionally prepared. This is illustrated in the positive feedback of the 58% baby boomers who are readying for the time when their kids had to leave their territory for good. In parallel, a surprising twenty-six percent feel like they would be closer to their better halves when their kids are gone.

The older the baby boomers are, the more emotionally stable they become. Most of the oldies in this generation have been ready to clear the nest. While the large percentage states a neutral emotion, baby boomers are more likely appreciative of freedom that they will soon be enjoying.

For seventy-four percent of baby boomers, they have proven to be good role models for their children. And forty percent of the aging baby boomers foresee that there will come a time when their children would still cling to them. Since baby boomers are characterized by being independent, only twenty-eight percent view their old age like their children would be charged for the rent.

Indeed, baby boomers play significant roles in the society. It is their age that introduces the value of optimism and self sufficiency.

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