As men and women all over the world share their warmth on these cold wintry nights, a celebration of love looms on the horizon, and with it, the promise of the coming spring, The rituals of Valentines Day so often consists of a box of chocolates and some roses, followed by dinner, and an expectation of some better than the usual sex. Ever wonder if it could get any better than this? It can.
Here’s a wake up call to men of all ages. It’s up to you to make it better. Take hold of the reins and do the unexpected. Surprise your baby and she’ll surprise you beyond your wildest expectations. Give her some sexy lingerie for, then sit back and enjoy the show! Lingerie ñ the gift that keeps on giving!
Women love to look pretty, men love to look at pretty women, so what’s the problem here? Granted, most men’s ultimate goal is to get their women naked, but throw into the equation a tightly laced bustier with a skirted garter and fishnet hose ñ heck, getting there is half the fun!
Lingerie comes in many styles and materials and is conveniently available online (for those of us who don’t particularly want to make a trip to Victoria’s Secret). Online lingerie retailers ship their products discreetly in plain boxes so as not to spill the beans to the neighbors, your wife, or the person you want to surprise. And there’s good news for those men who like their women big: plenty of stores out there that offer plus size lingerie, up to 3X!
With all this in mind, men need to become educated consumers in a world of lingerie that is primarily dominated by women. It is for this reason that I have taken it upon myself to write this informative Man’s Guide to Women’s Lingerie.
Corsets and Bustiers: a history of lingerie
As recently as the 1830’s, the corset was thought of as a medical necessity. Being that women were the weaker sex, they needed the support of a laced corset to hold them up for any length of time. Girls from the ages of two or three began their lives being strapped in daily to a tight laced corset. Unfortunately for the women, by the time they reached their prime they were unable to stand or sit upright for very long without getting the “vapors”.
Early corsets were made from canvas, (plenty of that around from all the sailing ships) and had laces all the way up the back pulled so tight as to make it darn near impossible to draw a deep breath. Needless to say, the prevailing fashion (or fetish) of the day was a very small waist line.
Today’s modern corset is made from softer and suppler materials such as silk, satin and lace, (as well as leather) to name a few. It is designed to accentuate a woman’s curves, not to alter them. For many men there is nothing more arousing than the sight of a willing accomplice all dressed up in a tight, laced up leather corset, and it’s a turn on for the women too!
Out of the corset evolved the bustier, predecessor to the modern day brazier. It seems that men even back then liked to see their women’s breasts pushed up and squeezed together!
A bustier is basically an underwire bra that extends down to the waistline. Traditionally with a lace up front, today’s bustiers can fasten in a variety of ways. Zippers, snaps, hooks and eyes, (remember the trouble we had undoing bras in high school?) even Velcro seems to get the job done. Keep in mind the fastenings when considering a lingerie purchase. The removal of these garments can at times try a man’s patience. Remember the times when you’ve been asked to take it easy and slow down? Do it now and savor the moment!
Another popular lingerie design is what’s known as the Teddy. Similar to a corset in design, a teddy is a one piece suit that starts out as a bustier, extends down between the legs as a thong, and ends up fastening to the back of the bodice. Simple by definition, teddies can take the form of something resembling a harness, to a full fledged zippered, hooked, and laced corset with an attached thong. Many teddies come with garter belts attached, adding endless possibilities for some naughty, bad little girls psychopathic imagination to run wild with.
For the truly innocent, perpetual virgin nice girl look, consider the Baby Doll. A short mini hanging to the waist that can be worn with or without the matching bra and panties, the baby doll is usually made from some sheer, lightweight material with varying degrees of transparency. The baby doll lingerie style gets its name from; well you figure it out!
Today, ladies lingerie is easier than ever to shop for. Do a search on lingerie and you’ll find a multitude of reputable lingerie dealers and merchants. Browse through their catalogs and you’re sure to find something that stirs your, um interest.
Sizing is an issue that must be dealt with, and a good lingerie site will have size charts easily accessible. While lingerie is generally pretty forgiving size wise, (a lot of lingerie is marked one size fits all) you should know at a minimum if she’s a small, medium or large. If you see sizes like 32, 38, etc.why don’t you just ask her her size!
When shopping for lingerie, keep in mind that a gift of lingerie should stimulate both you and your partner. Get her something that you like, and don’t be afraid to push the envelope! Lingerie encompasses a huge variety of styles; from a couple of pasties and a thong to an elegant satin and lace gown with matching bra and panties!
Do not overlook the possibilities of Leather Lingerie. Leather has become mainstream and is not just for bikers and sado/masochists any more. Women love the feel of leather on their bare skin, and peeling off a tight leather teddy is a real treat!
Lingerie for your baby and you can’t lose! Give her a gift of lingerie, and you do yourself a favor! The gift that keeps on giving all year round!
Buying guide – open your wallets guys.

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